Monday, January 11, 2010

A Story About A Gay Man And His Father

I do love my family, but like everyone else - on occasion one or more say something that I wonder what delusional world are they living in. I am 41 and have been an out gay man since my late teens, a number of years ago my father asked me when I was going to have children (to carry on the family name) and I told him I would like to adopt a child but with my type one diabetes I would never selfishly birth my own, you know that German Selective Breeding Thing And All. I also informed him that my STRAIGHT brother would be his best bet for a little bastard with the family name and blood line. Dad told me (that he had given up hope for Bill to have any kids, So I'm the one who has to do this)..... Now my father has always been in his own World since his birth, but I felt it necessary to drop him back into reality..... So I said ( Me Shooting A Load In A Twat Is Not Going To Happen, Because Remember I'm A FAG ) Dad laughed and that was the last of us talking about me naturally having kids.
So that brings me to recent times. My mother and father are divorced and mom has just retired so she is looking to sell her house and move back to New York, you know the whole Be Closer To Family and Friends thing. So My Father told her ( Don't Move Back To New York Because Of The High Taxes and Massachusetts Because They Allow Gay Marriage ) which my mom then reminded him of his Gay Son -ME-. Dad blew off my mom's comment about me and went on to some more Rush Limbaugh propaganda.
Normally when I speak to my father he will make a typically uneducated comment about politics and I usually tell him ( He should take Rush Limbaugh's dick out of his mouth before speaking with me). And what is most odd to me is that in 41 years, I have made more money and paid more Taxes than my 73 year old father, Yet I don't exist to America's Government. As Ex President Bush says ( Gay Marriage Would Be The Destruction Of The American Family ), even though he did nothing about the divorce rate increasing or how about all the children aging out of our Foster Care system. Funny how many Gay men in the U.S. adopt foster kids and raise them after they have been discarded by their natural BREEDER parents, yet some-how Gay Marriage is what would destroy families. I THINK IF GEORGE W. GOT HIS DICK SUCKED AT SOME POINT IN THE WHITE HOUSE, HE MIGHT NOT BE SUCH A STUPID ASSHOLE !!! As for my Father and his lack of a clue, I'm smart enough to know There's No Hope For Him and when he dies, I will just throw him out with the rest of the trash.
It all reminds me of a quote from the book and movie "Forest Gump" .............. ( Mama always says - Stupid Is, As Stupid Does ) !!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you'll see this, being I've read this so late--but don't kid yourself. You won't throw him out with the rest of the trash. What you're talking about here is what I've been through. You've got to realize there's a difference between trash that you forget about, and people from the past. The people from the past, you never forget about, and somehow, there is always a reminder of them that comes up. [Trash doesn't do that] So I think the best thing to do is to come to terms with these people, who ever they are. With parents, you have to consider the big picture. Where they came from, what they learned--all that, and then realize that you can't change them. You have to realize that they don't mean to be mean--it's just that they are limited in their thinking, and yet they meant well. Ugh! It's so complicated! But I know how you feel.
