Saturday, April 23, 2011

Do You Know "Made In America" Does Not Mean -Made By Americans !

The other day a friend said they only wanted to buy "Made In The USA" products. I asked is it the company that has to be American or is it the workers, I have worked in a few factories in New York state and over half the workers were illegals, so is paying the price for Owners of companies to live well, enough for you. I don't think Americans have the same work ethic other countries have but at the same time I have seen owners live very well while paying their workers poorly. I am a very good worker also I am an outspoken bitch and at this point in my life anyone who has to deal with my bitching should find themselves some tranquilizers before talking with me. I have seen a great deal of workers who smoke, drink and do drugs to deal with the job, the work is physically demanding and the game-play of the management is tiring. So the next time you complain about the price or it not being MADE IN AMERICA - know who is getting your money and how well the owners of a company are doing and what they paying the workers and who are those workers. Made in America means Made By Indians, Mexicans, Brazilians, ETC...